- 新春名品展 - 1月14日(火) ~ 1月25日(土) (日休) 於) 日本刀剣 2Fギャラリー 午前10時~午後5時 名品を取り揃え、皆様のご来店をお待ち申し上げております |
Our New Year exhibition and sale will be held from January 14th (Tue) to 25th (Sat) 2025 at our 2F gallery (except 19th). |
Oct. 12th (Sat) → 14th (Mon) 2024
11:00 -19:00 (last day until 17:00)
6-19-15 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 TEL: 03-3432-0191
詳しくはこちらから For more information : https://toobi.co.jp/event/450/
弊社出店Booth 1F (1-7)
【出品予定作 man exhibited】
・ 短刀 (朱銘) 来国光 / 本阿 花押 (光忠極) 南北朝時代1350年頃 刃長8寸9分
附) 黒蠟色印籠刻腰潤千筋鞘小さ刀拵 江戸時代後期
Tanto blade by Rai KUNIMITSU, Nanbokucho period circa 1350
With a black unique lacquered scabbard mounting 19c
・ 飾太刀 紫檀地鸚鵡唐草文螺鈿金装飾太刀拵 附) 鳳凰文平緒 江戸時代
Ceremonial Kazari Tachi mounting 19c
with design of parrots and arabesque mother-of -pearl works
鐔についてはこちらから。(More description about this Tsuba)
We will be closed from August 10th (Sat) to 18th (Sun) of 2024 for the traditional summer holiday.
Special exhibition for sale in autumn 2024
Special Triennial Tobi Art Fair 2024
Oct. 12th (Sat) → 14th (Mon)
at Tokyo Art Club (our booth 1F)
No | 銘(表) Sign(Up) |
(裏年紀) (Date) |
刃長 Length |
刃文 Temper line |
外装 Mounting |
備考 Note |
1 SOLD |
肥後国住赤松太郎兼裕作 Higo no kuni ju Akamatsu Taro KANEHIRO saku |
乙卯年八月吉日 August of 1975 |
2尺4寸6分 74.4 cm |
互の目丁子 Gunome with Choji (Irregular pattern) |
黒呂色塗鞘打刀拵入 In a black scabbard mounting, Uchi-katana style |
本名 木村 馨(1961- )。栗原昭秀門である木村兼重(父)に師事。熊本県八代市在住。 Akamatsu Kanehiro (real name is Kimura Kaoru) was born in 1961 as a son of Kimura Kaneshige who is a pupil of Kurihara Akihide, a famous person as a high advocate of the revival movement of theJapanese Sword. Yatsushiro city in Kumamoto pref. |
2 NEW |
筑前住吉廣作 Chikuzen ju YOSHIHIRO saku |
昭和六十一年秋吉日 Autumn of 1986 |
2尺4寸4分 74.0 cm |
丁子乱れ Choji style (irregular pattern) |
呂色塗鞘打刀拵入 In a black scabbard mounting, Uchi-katana style. |
本名 瀬戸 吉廣 (1945生) 福岡県生まれ。昭和46年(1971)25歳で人間国宝「隅谷正峯」に師事。昭和52年(1977)に作刀承認を受けて独立。以降、新作名刀展に於いて数々の特賞を受賞し、平成8年(1996)無鑑査に認定。 Seto YOSHIHIRO was born in 1945. He studied making sword underSumitani Masamine who is the Living National Treasure in 1971. After receiving approval of making swords, he became independent in1977. He has received many awards so far, and recognized as Mukansa in 1996. Fukuoka pref. |
3 | 濃州住兼久作 No-shu ju Kanehisa saku |
平成甲午歳初春 (平成26年) Spring of 2014 |
刃長1尺8寸8分 56.9cm |
直刃調に浅く湾れ Suguha with slightly Notare (Straight with a little wave pattern) |
相鮫鞘指揮刀拵 (休め鞘あり) With a military saber mounting which consist of a fine stingray-skin handle and scabbard (with a storage wood scabbard) |
皇室御物「小烏丸」を模した切先が両刃造りの小太刀に良質の相鮫を用いた研出し鞘に精巧な金具付き上級サーベル拵を復刻させた珍品が附く。日本陸海軍の元帥号を授与された大将に下賜された元帥刀にも本作同様の刀身が用いられたと云う。 This blade made by KANEHISA of No-shu (Mino) is unique shape,which has curved double-edged tip, called Kogarasu-maru(Imperialtreasure made in Heian period ) style.It is said that this kind of bladewas also used for the Gensui (marshal) sword of the Japanese Army and Navy.The attached military saber mounting which consist of a fine stingray-skin handle and scabbard,is an elaborate reproduction. |
現代刀リスト Modern Sword List 2
No | 銘(表) Sign(Up) |
(裏) (Date) |
刃長 Length |
刃文 Temper line |
外装 Mounting |
備考 Note |
1 |
令和三年十月吉日 October of 2021 |
8寸 24.3 cm |
直刃 Suguha (Straight pattern) |
朱塗鞘合口拵入 In a red scabbard mounting, Aikuchi style |
本名 高羽 弘。昭和29年 (1954) 生まれ。昭和48年(1973)父である高羽誠に入門。昭和53年(1978)作刀承認を受けた後、新作名刀展などで特賞や優秀賞を受賞。岐阜県関市。 Real name, Takaba Hiroshi who was born in 1954, is a pupil of his fatherTakaba Makoto in 1973. He has received many awards in some competitionsso far. Seki city in Gifu pref. |
2 |
令和元年七月 July of 2019 |
6寸4分 19.4 cm |
直刃 Sugu-ha (straight pattern) |
現代海軍短剣拵入 In a modern navy dagger mounting |
本名 横井 彰二。昭和39年 (1964) 岡山県生まれ。父・崇光刀匠に師事。平成13年(2001)作刀承認を受けて以降、新作名刀展やお守り刀展において入選を果たす。外装は弊社が軍装品や外装品製作で長年培ってきたノウハウを活かし製作された海軍短剣拵。 Real name, Yokoi Shoji was born in 1964 in Okayama, and became a pupil of hisfather Takamitsu. Okayama pref. We have been accumulating know-how ofmaking sword mounting including military equipment for long time. The attached modern navy dagger mounting was made with our know-how. |
3 SOLD |
宮入昭平作 / 以常陸宮妃殿下守刀余鉄 Miyairi Akihira saku / Motte Hitachi-no-miya hidenka mamori-katana yotetsu |
昭和40年頃 circa 1965 |
8寸4分 25.3 cm |
直刃 Suguha (Straight pattern) |
白鞘入、桐箱付。 Shirasaya, wood box. |
本名 宮入 堅一。(1913-1977) 昭和12年(1937)に東京赤坂の日本刀鍛錬伝習に入門。数々の賞を受賞すると共に、伊勢神宮御遷宮の御神宝太刀や鉾などを製作し、昭和38年(1963)重要無形文化財(人間国宝)認定される。本作は昭和39年(1964)、常陸宮妃殿下お守刀を作製した際の余鉄を用いたと銘文に添えられている。長野県坂城町。保存刀剣鑑定書付。 Miyairi Akihira (later Yukihira, 1913-1977) who was born at Sakaki in Nagano, joinedthe Nihonto Tanren Denshu-jo at Akasaka in Tokyo (Japanese Sword Forging Institutewhich is founded by Kurihara Hikosaburo.) in 1937. Since then he received many awardsand also offer of making sword for dedication from the Grand Shrine of Ise. And designated as the Living National Treasure(Ningen kokuho)in1963.It is inscribed onthe blade tang that this is made with the sameTamahagane carbon steel as the Tantoof Royal Princess Hitachiwhich was made in 1964. Hozon certificate paper by NBTHK. |
現在在庫中の、お手頃な居合・守り刀にも使える現代刀(作刀100年未満)です。 登録証がついていますのでどなたでもお持ちいただけます。 詳細は別途お問い合わせ願います。 For further information, please contact us. |