[Our history for military equipment]
Japan Sword Co. has been established in the Inami Family since at least 1906.
Since then the accumulated technical expertise of this reputable family firm has been devoted to serving the requirements of its
customers in all matters concerning the Japanese Sword.
With growing demand for Sword mountings and fittings we have now extended our researches into the field of military equipment.
The Suiko-sha foundation, which is nearby, was established in 1876 by the Japanese Navy as a social club for the comradeship of
Naval Officers, many of whom visit Inami &Co. [Refer to Illustration No.1] The technical skills of craftsmen at a factory
in our company [Refer to Illustration No.2] have been utilised to produce ceremonial Swords not only for the Japanese military
but for the US Navy and Marines, and for other countries. [Refer to Illustration No.3, 4] These skills have been handed down,
so that we now propose to offer them to all our customers as a series of reproductions,
in the ancient and valid Japanese tradition of utsushimono.

写真1 photo No.1

写真2 photo No.2

ご来店者、山本五十六元帥から頂いた書。(昭和14年, 1939年)
Written by our client, the Fleet Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku in 1939.

Craftsmen at work at the factory in our main building.(Circa 1960)

写真3 photo No.3

写真4 photo No.4
    American ambassador to Japan,
Mr. Douglas MacArthur U with our 2nd president Inami Hakusui
(Tomijiro) at the American embassy in 1959.
The 186th anniversary of the US Marine corps at Akasaka, Tokyo in 1961.

1. 模造海軍軍刀  Replica sword for the Japanese Navy
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Metal alloy andchrome-plated
海軍軍刀拵 (柄前:鮫皮使用)
Japanese Navy style(Wood and covered
withshark skin hilt)
全長(Total) 104 cm
刃長(Blade) 71.4 cm

2. 模造海軍短剣  Replica dagger for the Japanese Navy
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Metal alloy and chrome-plated
海軍短剣拵 (海軍章入)
(鞘:木鞘皮着せ、ストッパー付 柄前:プラスチック製)
Japanese navy style with the navy emblem
(Wood and covered with leather scabbard,
safety push button, plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 41.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 20.0 cm
Our original product. Few stocks.

3. 模造防衛大学校用短剣  Replica dagger for the Japanese Defense Academy
Out of stock
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Metal alloy and chrome-plated
防衛大学校短剣拵 (校章入)
(鞘:木鞘皮着せ、ストッパー付 柄前:プラスチック製)
Japanese Defense Academy style with the academy emblem
(Wood and covered with leather scabbard,
safety push button, plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 41.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 20.0 cm
Our original product.

4. 短剣(欧州モデル)   Military dagger (European type)
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Metal alloy and chrome-plated
(鞘:鉄鞘皮着せ、ストッパー付 柄前:プラスチック製)
Military style with the emblem
(Iron and covered with leather scabbard, safety push button,
plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 43.5 cm
刃長(Blade) 23.8 cm
Our original product. Few stocks.

5. 模造自衛隊用儀礼刀  Replica ceremonial sword for the Japanese Self-Defense Force
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
全長(Total) 95.5 cm 参考出品 日本刀剣謹製。
Our original product.

6. 米海兵仕官用儀礼刀  Ceremonial sword for the U.S marine NCO
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Brass and chrome-plated
Ceremonial style
(Iron and covered with leather scabbard, plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 95.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 73.5 cm
参考出品 日本刀剣謹製。
Our original product.

7. フィリピン海軍用儀礼刀  Ceremonial sword for the Philippine Navy
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
 Brass and chrome-plated
(鞘:鉄鞘皮着せ、ストッパー付 柄前:プラスチック製)
Ceremonial style
(Iron and covered with leather scabbard, safety push button,
plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 90.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 70.0 cm
Our original product.

8. フィリピン海軍上級仕官用儀礼刀  Ceremonial sword for the Philippine Navy high officers
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Brass and chrome-plated with engravings
on the both side
Ceremonial style
(Iron and covered with leather scabbard, plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 95.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 76.0 cm
Our original product.

9. 演舞刀 (イタリア・ロンバルディア) Ceremonial sword for performing a dance (Lombardia in Italy)
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Brass and chrome-plated
Ceremonial style for performing a dance
(Iron and covered with leather scabbard, plastic hilt)
全長(Total) 95.5 cm
刃長(Blade) 75.0 cm
Our original product.

10. ミニチュア米海兵将校用儀礼刀   Miniature ceremonial sword for the U.S Marine officer
飾り台は別売りとなります。¥3,850.- (税込)
Display stand is \ 3,500. - (for overseas)
刀身(Blade) 外装(Mounting) 寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
Ceremonial style
全長(Total) 23.0 cm
刃長(Blade) 14.5 cm
Our original product. With a wood box.
Few stocks.

11. 模造自衛隊用旧式刀帯 Replica belt for the Japanese Self-Defense Force (Old-fashioned type)
寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
 胴回り約81 -90 cm
Waist size about 81 - 90 cm
Sold 日本刀剣謹製。
Our original product.

12. 模造米軍旧式刀帯  Replica belt for the former U.S military officer
寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
 胴回り約94 -101 cm
Waist size about 94 -101 cm
\22,000.- 日本刀剣謹製。在庫数量わずか。
Our original product. Few stocks.

13. 模造旧陸軍佐官用刀帯 Replica belt for the former Japanese Army officer
寸法(Size) 価格(Price) 備考(Note)
 胴回り約82 -99 cm
Waist size about 82 - 99 cm
Sold 日本刀剣謹製。
Our original product.

14. ブックエンド(儀礼刀タイプ)  Book-end (Ceremonial sword type)
備考(Note) 価格(Price)
日本刀剣オリジナルブックエンド。刀身は英国ウィルキンソン製と日本刀剣製があります。(デザインは数種類有り) 在庫数量わずか。
Our original Book-end. We have several designs made by WILKINSON in England and Japan sword Co., Ltd. Few stocks.
 各 \41,800.-
(for each)


・They are decorative blades made of metal alloy and have no cutting edge, except for some
miniature ceremonial swords made of steel. They raise no safety concerns.
・There are no plans for additional production of the limited editions and the Sale will end as soon as present stocks are sold.
・They are not brand-new pieces. We will report on the condition of goods in advance, so please refrain from returns.
・Actual blade and mounting lengths may vary slightly.
・Shipping cost in Japan is free. Please contact us for international shipping.
・Please contact us for conditions reports and latest stock status.
・All products is made in Japan.
・In case of order from abroad, Japanese consumption tax (10%) is deducted from the price.